Информационное сопротивление

Adopted by: Decree No. 108 of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Grozny 


By the will of the Most High the people of Chechen Republic expressing an aspiration of Chechen people, being guided by ideas of humanism and purpose of creation of social-fair society, proceeding from the high responsibility before present and future generations of our compatriots, respecting the rights and interests of all nations and peoples, proclaiming Chechen Republic as an independent sovereign state and recognizing itself as equal in rights subject in the system of world commonwealth of nations, accepts the present Constitution and considers it henceforth as main Law of the society and state.


Section 1 Basis of Constitutional System

Article 1 

Chechen Republic is sovereign democratic legal state created as a result of self-determination of Chechen people. It has the supreme right concerning the territory and national riches; independently determines external and internal policy; adopts the Constitution and laws having leadership in its territory. The state sovereignty of Chechen Republic is indivisible.

Article 2

(1) The people of Chechen Republic is a unique source of all authority in the state. The people executes sovereign authority belonging to it directly and through a system of bodies of legislative, executive and judicial authority created by them, as well as by means of bodies of self-government.
(2) Neither part of the people, nor organization and separate person can pirate the power in the state. The illegal capture of the power is heinous crime.
(3) Elections of representative bodies is executed on the basis of common, equal and direct elections in free nomination of the candidates and balloting. Term of office of any elective body and official person, as well as procedure of formation of executive and judicial bodies are determined by the Constitution and laws.

Article 3 
The person is highest value and main purpose of policy of the state. Chechen Republic respects and protects the human rights, provides equal opportunities for free development of the person, guarantees social validity and protection of the person. The human rights in Chechen Republic are provided pursuant to conventional principles and norms of the international right.

Article 4

(1) The state, its bodies and the officials serve to all society instead of any its part. It promotes consolidation of all social layers and groups, nations and peoples in Chechen Republic on the basis of social validity, civil consent and peace. Democracy in Chechen Republic is executed on the basis of political and ideological pluralism.
(2) Neither ideology can be established as official one.
(3) The parties and other public associations are created and act within the framework of the Constitution.
(4) Political parties and other public associations propagating race, national, social, religious, class hostilities, call to violence and throw out of the constitutional system are forbidden.
(5) Creation and activity of political parties in state bodies, Armed Forces, as well as at the state enterprises and in educational establishments is not allowed.
(6) Decisions of party organizations can not have obligatory effect for state bodies, official bodies, organizations and enterprises, their employees in fulfillment by them their official obligations.
(7) The religious associations are separated from the state, independently operate their business and act irrespective of its bodies. The state supports socially useful activity of religious associations.
(8) The law determines the procedure of registration of public and religious associations, as well as political parties and movements. The political parties and movements, public and religious associations registered in order established by the Law have the rights of the legal entity freely use and manage the structures belonging to them, other property and funds.
(9) To strengthen authority of the state, to concern with respect to its attributes and symbols is obligation of all citizens, public associations and mass media.

Article 5

(1) The state, all its bodies and the officials are connected by the right and constitutional system.
(2) There is provided leadership of the Constitution and laws over all other normative standards in Chechen Republic. The laws and other legal standards contradicting the clauses of the Constitution have not legal force. The normative standards not published officially for the common information are not obliged the citizens and are not applied by Courts. The norms of the Constitution have direct action.
(3) Legislative, executive and judicial authority in Chechen Republic are divided and act within the framework of authorities independently, interacting among themselves and counterbalancing each other.

Article 6

(1) Chechen Republic respecting of the right and freedom of the peoples is guided by conventional principles and norms of the international right in external policy. It aims at the general and fair peace based on common human values; to close, business and mutually advantageous cooperation with all countries.
(2) Having acted for expansion of international community based on domination of right Chechen Republic can enter in international organizations, systems of collective safety, interstate formations.

Article 7

(1) The mass media are free from censorship. Executing activity in conditions of publicity they are responsible for infringement of the Constitution and laws.
(2) It is not allowed monopolization of mass media by state bodies, public associations, political parties, groups and
separate persons. Procedure of establishment of mass media, their right and the obligations, as well as responsibility are established by the Law.

Далее: http://www.chechencenter.info/n/40-checheniya/2075-1.html


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